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CDS Employees will receive a unique link for registration.
Please refer to your email or call Advancement with questions.


Registration Deadlines

April 16
deadline for registration for the Full Evening

April 21
deadline for registration for the Promise Party Only

April 25 at noon
deadline to purchase raffle tickets in advance

* raffle tickets will also be available for purchase on site at the Promise Party.

** All Raise the Paddle donations made before April 11 will be listed as Financial Aid Champions in the event program!



Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Promise Party Only $0.00

Please enter each attendee's name, email, and phone number in the Detailed Information section.

Full Evening $0.00

Childcare-Promise Party 5pm-7pm $0.00

Complimentary childcare is available for currently-enrolled CDS students in Alumni Gym from 5pm-7pm for Promise Party attendees. To register, select the number of students and enter their names in the Childcare section on the next page. For each child, please indicate their full name and CDS grade so we can be best prepared for our student guests. We cannot accomodate children who are not currently-enrolled CDS students. Thank you for your understanding.

Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

One Raffle Ticket $0.00

Three Raffle Tickets $0.00

Yes! Please Raise the Paddle on my behalf for Access to Education!

I authorize Carolina Day School to use the credit card entered on the submission page at event. Once the transaction has completed successfully, a confirmation receipt will be sent to the email address entered.